Sunday, March 2, 2008


Well I spent few days in Germany... I am glad to be back, but I did have a ton of fun. 3 days were work related... running around Euroshop... a retail design conference. but one day was a trip to Stuttgart, to see the Porsche Factory.

This was my rental car, an Mercedes Benz A150.

It was a funny little car, with a bit of pep... I got it up to 155kph (96mph).

Here is a shot of the factory entry.

But soon I felt like this family when they reached Wally World
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Sorry closed for renovations! WHAT! The Porsche Factory had an explosion 2 days before I got there... the people at Porsche tried to email me, but I did not check my personal email. Damn. All was not lost... I did get to tour the museum. Oh yeah, they did offer me a coffee for my troubles. Thanks Porsche, but I guess better luck next time.

Don't get me wrong, I still was stoked! There were 20 or so awesome cars to see, I purchased some stuff at the museum shop, and got to sit in a Carrera GT.

Here are some of my pics

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