Friday, February 8, 2008

PCA Potomac High Performance Driving Clinic

I just signed up for the April 5, 2008, PCA Potomac High Performance Driving Clinic. I can't wait... Should I sign up for the DE for the following week? That's a lot of driving! Then there is the Hershey Swap meet at the end of April. OMG lots of Porsche stuff in Arpil!


Neckdeep said...

I think I told you, I attended the Hershey swap last year...sort of a let down. I'm planning on attending spring Carlisle April 23-27 for a day. Not Porsche or even import specific (that's May 16- 18) but so much more stuff.

Neckdeep said...

Also, still down with those wheels and tires? I've heard shipping is around 125 or so...I'll do the research.

Anonymous said...

I can get you wheels. I can actually take them from my neighbor's Porche for free so all you have to do is pay shipping. (He won't notice, he is an idiot)

Anonymous said...