Gift Cards: (GOT SOME!, THNAKS MEL!)
Le Mans
Grand Prix
Secrets of Solo Racing: Expert Techniques for Autocross and Time Trials (GOT IT! THANKS ROB & MARGIE, via KIMMY!)
Video Games
EA Sports F1 2002 (hard to find)
2 Way Radio:
Midland GXT800VP4 26 Mile Range 22 Channel Two Way Radio
Kitchen Stuff
Espresso Machine
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
Snow Day

I took the lady out in the snow today. Yes you heard me right... Snow, East Coast, Road Salt. I have said it before and I will say it again... my 911 is NOT a garage queen. The car is meant to be driven no matter what the conditions.
She handled very well. I can't believe how poor people around the DC/Baltimore area drive when snow shows up. I saw in a 40 mile ride today at least 8 wrecks on the highway. Not just cars stopped, but full on mangled cars/trucks/SUV/trailers. BTW... there was only water on the ground at that time... ZERO snow, ZERO slush, ZERO ice. Quick tip to all my fellow drivers out there... When snow is present do NOT do the following:
1. Tailgate
2. Cut people off
3. Speed/weave through traffic
4. Believe that your SUV's can drive through any conditions at 80mph
5. Drive with your lights off
6. Slam on your breaks for no reason
7. Talk on your cell phone and let your car wander
For that matter do NOT do any of these above things anytime you are driving, and let me add:
8. Speed up when you see someone with their turn signal, who is trying to get into your lane
9. Think that b/c you have a "Baby on Board" sign on your car, it excuses you from being a cautious driver.
10. Cut someone off then slow down
Oh, I could go on for days... but at the end of the day, I really shouldn't be mad at things I can't control.
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
AVAIL at The Otto Bar
Last night I went to see AVAIL and they did not disappoint! Beau Beau is still crazy, Tim looks pretty much the same... just older.
Of course I drove the 911 to the show, punk rock never dies... it just get buried inside... but always influences one's decisions.
I pulled up next to a JEEP, with 3 young rockers inside... the guy in the passenger seat signaled me to roll my window down and asked, "Pardon me, do you have any Grey Poupon?" I replied, "I hope not!" Funny thing is, the girls JEEP that the guy was in most likely cost more that my 911. Perception is everything. I talked to them for a bit... nobody in that car has ever seen AVAIL live... I forget that music lives forever and stories of the old days become folklore or VH1 behind the music segments. But I think they thought I was some poser, until I started to tell the all the places I saw AVAIL in the past... DC, Richmond, NYC, Seattle, Portland... in total at least 15 times (at the very least).
The show was great... unfortunately Tim and the rest of the band were losing their voices... but the crowd made up the difference (including me), shouting, finger pointing, slam dancing (me, just on the edge), crowd surfing (no thanks). One guy came over my head, and landed face first on the concrete, OUCH, knocked out cold, I had to drag him off the pit floor to safety. Once I could see that he was moving and some what alert I got back into it.
Dare I say the size of shirt I bought? Large (which i am sure they had a stock pile), medium and small definitely a staple for everyone else there (weather they fit in those sizes or not who is to judge). The an XL sweatshirt... it is a touch big, but I hate when you have a good sweatshirt and the sleeves are too short.
At the end of the day, or night... I had a ton of fun, even though I wasn't able to share it with any friends.
Of course I drove the 911 to the show, punk rock never dies... it just get buried inside... but always influences one's decisions.
I pulled up next to a JEEP, with 3 young rockers inside... the guy in the passenger seat signaled me to roll my window down and asked, "Pardon me, do you have any Grey Poupon?" I replied, "I hope not!" Funny thing is, the girls JEEP that the guy was in most likely cost more that my 911. Perception is everything. I talked to them for a bit... nobody in that car has ever seen AVAIL live... I forget that music lives forever and stories of the old days become folklore or VH1 behind the music segments. But I think they thought I was some poser, until I started to tell the all the places I saw AVAIL in the past... DC, Richmond, NYC, Seattle, Portland... in total at least 15 times (at the very least).
The show was great... unfortunately Tim and the rest of the band were losing their voices... but the crowd made up the difference (including me), shouting, finger pointing, slam dancing (me, just on the edge), crowd surfing (no thanks). One guy came over my head, and landed face first on the concrete, OUCH, knocked out cold, I had to drag him off the pit floor to safety. Once I could see that he was moving and some what alert I got back into it.
Dare I say the size of shirt I bought? Large (which i am sure they had a stock pile), medium and small definitely a staple for everyone else there (weather they fit in those sizes or not who is to judge). The an XL sweatshirt... it is a touch big, but I hate when you have a good sweatshirt and the sleeves are too short.
At the end of the day, or night... I had a ton of fun, even though I wasn't able to share it with any friends.
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Autocross 7

The results are in for the Chesapeake Region PCA autocross #7. I again hit 2nd place... out of 3 people! I'll take it. I think my driving has improved quite a bit. Anyhow, it was a ton of fun and I can't wait until next years races. By then who knows how fast I'll be, Kimi Raikkonen watch out.
Sunday, October 14, 2007
Chesapeake Region PCA Autocross #7
This guy is not tough.

The final autocross by the Chesapeake Region PCA happened today. I got to race the 911 and had a blast again. The Kimmy (aka the wife) and Betty (aka the friendly Pitt Bull) came. I loved having their support and every one fell in love with Betty.
On my way to the race, I popped into my "PORSCHE" tape deck one of the few cassettes I still own... Firehose, so that I could get stoked on "Brave Captain" aka the morning song, aka Natas part.
The day started with a little difficulty. Due to somebody not paying the monthly dues for the storage space that the autocross trailer was housed in the guys who put it together could not get the trailer out until 10am (instead of 7am). this set the start time 2.5 hours behind. Usually the event race starts running heats at 9am. Many of the people who showed up at 8am for check in heard the news and left. But about 24± cars/owners decide to stick it out.
So after an 2 hours of sitting around, a trip to McDonald's, and a few innings of a high school level baseball game (The autocross is at Ripken Stadium, Aberdeen, MD)... the event began.
I had to work the 1st heat, in the infield. Picking up cones (if knocked over) and calling in drivers "Off Course" (result is the driver DNF or Did Not Finish/Disqualified run). I thought that being out there was very educational... I got to see where people made mistakes and some ways to make faster lines. Being out there, I feel is very important and helpful to learning the track.
My first run was my slowest... 71 seconds. I got a little loose in some of the corners. The course was less technical than the previous event. I think that my best score was 67.888ish seconds... although I had a 67.377ish finish, but on that run I hit one cone and that is an automatic 1 second penalty.
Considering the more experienced drivers were about 9 seconds faster than me, I felt that I have improved quite a bit since last race (thank you PGR 3).
This is me:

The final autocross by the Chesapeake Region PCA happened today. I got to race the 911 and had a blast again. The Kimmy (aka the wife) and Betty (aka the friendly Pitt Bull) came. I loved having their support and every one fell in love with Betty.
On my way to the race, I popped into my "PORSCHE" tape deck one of the few cassettes I still own... Firehose, so that I could get stoked on "Brave Captain" aka the morning song, aka Natas part.
The day started with a little difficulty. Due to somebody not paying the monthly dues for the storage space that the autocross trailer was housed in the guys who put it together could not get the trailer out until 10am (instead of 7am). this set the start time 2.5 hours behind. Usually the event race starts running heats at 9am. Many of the people who showed up at 8am for check in heard the news and left. But about 24± cars/owners decide to stick it out.
So after an 2 hours of sitting around, a trip to McDonald's, and a few innings of a high school level baseball game (The autocross is at Ripken Stadium, Aberdeen, MD)... the event began.
I had to work the 1st heat, in the infield. Picking up cones (if knocked over) and calling in drivers "Off Course" (result is the driver DNF or Did Not Finish/Disqualified run). I thought that being out there was very educational... I got to see where people made mistakes and some ways to make faster lines. Being out there, I feel is very important and helpful to learning the track.
My first run was my slowest... 71 seconds. I got a little loose in some of the corners. The course was less technical than the previous event. I think that my best score was 67.888ish seconds... although I had a 67.377ish finish, but on that run I hit one cone and that is an automatic 1 second penalty.
Considering the more experienced drivers were about 9 seconds faster than me, I felt that I have improved quite a bit since last race (thank you PGR 3).
This is me:
Short Shifter Part 3
This weekend I spent a lot of time with the 911. Friday night I began working on the short shifter install. OMG was that tough. What I thought would take 2± hours (lead to believe by my signed copy of 101 Projects for Your Porsche 911, I ordered the book from Pelican Parts and it came signed, weird) ended up taking me 6± hours. Beyond an oil change, fuel filter change, tire rotation, replacement of air filters... I have zero experience fixing cars. But I decided that I was going to take on the challenge of installing a short shifter to the 911 and the recommended bushing replacement. Let's just say I must have put together and taken apart the shifter mechanism at the least 9 times (9 times), because of missed steps, parts that needed to be drilled bigger, stupidity, lack of attention to detail, and a few other things I am too embarrassed to talk about. But low and behold I did it and damn proud of it. She shifts like a dream now... tighter, more even more mechanical and of course shorter. Whew. I hope that I have the stamina to keep upgrading the 911.
Friday, October 12, 2007
Short Shifter Part 2
I disassembeled the old shifter last night... it was more or less pretty easy. I broke on of the contact points for the console. It is no big deal, since I don't intend on reinstalling it. I need more room for my feet so I can learn the ways of heel toe downshifting. And less weight on the car. Wow, I am becoming a car dork.
Could be worse... I could be tuning Hondas (A tuned Asian import is like the special olympics, you can win a race, but you're still retarded). I know I used to own a WRX and loved that car and still think they are great vehicles... but I left it as is with no upgrades or tuning.
My hypocrisy, has no bounds.
Anyway, I have a new bushings coming in today and that will be all that I need to finish the short shifter upgrade.
Could be worse... I could be tuning Hondas (A tuned Asian import is like the special olympics, you can win a race, but you're still retarded). I know I used to own a WRX and loved that car and still think they are great vehicles... but I left it as is with no upgrades or tuning.
My hypocrisy, has no bounds.
Anyway, I have a new bushings coming in today and that will be all that I need to finish the short shifter upgrade.
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Short Shifter
Received my short shifter today. Unfortunalty, I did not receive the new bushings for the shifting mechanism. I may have to be a mechanic tonight... don't know if I can wait for the other parts.
I can't wait... autocross this weekend! I need the short shift! Bushings can wait.
Picked up Project Gotham Racing for the XBOX 360. OMG. Hooked. I want to buy the XBOX 360 steering wheel!
I can't wait... autocross this weekend! I need the short shift! Bushings can wait.
Picked up Project Gotham Racing for the XBOX 360. OMG. Hooked. I want to buy the XBOX 360 steering wheel!
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
I picked up my car today from SSI, paid them $91.00 for diagnosis that my rear passenger torsion bar is broke, which I think is false anyway ($1200± was my qoute to fix it). I feel that they are not my type of people I want servicing my 911. They are a great bunch of guys, but I have zero tolerance for people who cannot create timelines and get back to you when they say they will. Among a few other issuse I have with them, I have decided to end my relationship with SSI... my car is worth it, they are not.
I am bringing my car to GT Performance. I spoke with the owner Gennady, the owner and I have an inital gut feeling that he is going to be a good fit, for me and my car. We will see.
I am bringing my car to GT Performance. I spoke with the owner Gennady, the owner and I have an inital gut feeling that he is going to be a good fit, for me and my car. We will see.
Saturday, September 29, 2007
I bought a helmet yesterday, for autocrossing and track days. It is silver and hopefully matches my car. I can't wait to race on the 14th of October.

The SC is in the shop and I won't be able to pick it up until Wednesday... not because it is bad shape, but because the guys at SSI are horrible in providing time lines for their repairs. Then I am going to Texas on Monday and won't be back until late Tuesday night. Hopefully the car will be ready by then. It maybe the last time I bring it to SSI.

The SC is in the shop and I won't be able to pick it up until Wednesday... not because it is bad shape, but because the guys at SSI are horrible in providing time lines for their repairs. Then I am going to Texas on Monday and won't be back until late Tuesday night. Hopefully the car will be ready by then. It maybe the last time I bring it to SSI.
Thursday, September 27, 2007
The Shop
I spoke with the guys at SSI about my brake grinding, they said most likely the brakes were not warmed up enough and make the grinding sound when they are cold. Cool. But, I was looking at the SC in the garage the other night and noticed that she was leaning to the passenger side. I decided to measure the fender heights to see if my mind was playin' tricks on me... and the rear passenger side was low riding... 3/4" in the front and 1 1/2" in the back. The guys at SSI are looking at that today, along with double checking the brakes, just in case. Stay tuned.
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Wierd Brake Sound
Took the SC out this past weekend, and the brakes started to make a funny sound, kind of like the pads were worn out. But I just got new pads a few weeks ago. Wierd. I think I am going to take to the shop this week to have it check out. Sucks.
I took the wheel off and looked at the brakes... to be honest, I have no idea what I was looking for. I know what the parts are, what they do... but have no idea how to trouble shoot any of that.
I took the wheel off and looked at the brakes... to be honest, I have no idea what I was looking for. I know what the parts are, what they do... but have no idea how to trouble shoot any of that.

Thursday, September 20, 2007
2nd place
I placed second in my class at my first autocross!

Overall I was 18.238 seconds off the leader. And even though I placed 61st out of 74, I am still stoked! There were 911 GT3's, 911 Turbos, Barely street legal cars, track cars... etc. Mine is as stock as stock can get. And I feel I did alright. Next time I am going to shave off more time and become a real threat to cars 1/10 my cars age and drivers with more experience... ha ha, I feel like I am racing BMX again. If you ain't first, you're last. Ricky Bobby, Bobby Deerfield, Michael Delaney, Schumacher... I am coming for you!
My boss asked me yesterday, what my career plan was and I asked him with a straight face... "is Porsche race car driver on my list of options?" Honestly, I am not joking. If I could chose a new profession race car driver would be on my short list. But, I guess I'll have to settle with Senior Designer in charge of in-store experience, could be worse... I could be reading and editing spread sheets, yuck.
Monday, September 17, 2007
Autocross Photos
Sunday, September 16, 2007
My First Autocross
Hooked! My oh my. I can't even begin to explain how much fun it is to autocross the 911.
We had 4 runs each today. I pretty much sucked. Although, lap by lap I got better times.
Lap 1: Since I am a first time a first time autocross driver, it was mandatory I have an instructor on board (at least the 1st lap). So, I was assigned a mid-50s woman, whose only advice for me was to slow down... she is pretty much never allowed in my car ever again, worthless is not a strong enough word to explain her. Needless to say I posted my slowest time. Ugh. Oh, by the way I DQ that lap, since I missed 1 gate, oops.
Lap 2: I got brave and decided to take this lap alone, after being very bitter about the last instructor. I did much better that lap... shaving off 6 seconds from the prior time and finished clean.
Lap 3: All hell has broken loose... Derek Schwarz, an avid autocrosser and 911 racer... was my instructor. Holy cow! I want to be his Padawan Learner. Basically from the second I hit the gas he was instructing... Go go go gas gas gas push push brake go go straight go go hard brake throttle push it push it... you get the picture, that went on until I crossed the finish line. WOW! what a huge difference. I shaved another 6 seconds off from my last lap. Thanks Derek.
Lap 4: I decided to run the final lap alone again. With a new understanding of when and where to push and to brake, I ran the car even better this lap...shaving off 2 more seconds.
I am sure that my times are in the lower 20% overall, but until they post the times, I will not know how I did in my class. Who cares! I felt like I went balls to the wall in the 911 and ha so much fun. I want to quit my job and race cars for a living!
I learned:
1. How far to push the 911, and how to feel for when she is going to get loose.
2. A great respect for those who can really rally their cars, and keep them under control.
3. My kidneys hurt after the lap with Derek and more after my 4th lap, cornering can kick your ass!
4. Autocross rules. I want to buy racing tires and a helmet.
Pics to come
We had 4 runs each today. I pretty much sucked. Although, lap by lap I got better times.
Lap 1: Since I am a first time a first time autocross driver, it was mandatory I have an instructor on board (at least the 1st lap). So, I was assigned a mid-50s woman, whose only advice for me was to slow down... she is pretty much never allowed in my car ever again, worthless is not a strong enough word to explain her. Needless to say I posted my slowest time. Ugh. Oh, by the way I DQ that lap, since I missed 1 gate, oops.
Lap 2: I got brave and decided to take this lap alone, after being very bitter about the last instructor. I did much better that lap... shaving off 6 seconds from the prior time and finished clean.
Lap 3: All hell has broken loose... Derek Schwarz, an avid autocrosser and 911 racer... was my instructor. Holy cow! I want to be his Padawan Learner. Basically from the second I hit the gas he was instructing... Go go go gas gas gas push push brake go go straight go go hard brake throttle push it push it... you get the picture, that went on until I crossed the finish line. WOW! what a huge difference. I shaved another 6 seconds off from my last lap. Thanks Derek.
Lap 4: I decided to run the final lap alone again. With a new understanding of when and where to push and to brake, I ran the car even better this lap...shaving off 2 more seconds.
I am sure that my times are in the lower 20% overall, but until they post the times, I will not know how I did in my class. Who cares! I felt like I went balls to the wall in the 911 and ha so much fun. I want to quit my job and race cars for a living!
I learned:
1. How far to push the 911, and how to feel for when she is going to get loose.
2. A great respect for those who can really rally their cars, and keep them under control.
3. My kidneys hurt after the lap with Derek and more after my 4th lap, cornering can kick your ass!
4. Autocross rules. I want to buy racing tires and a helmet.
Pics to come
Monday, September 3, 2007
Rennasance Festival
The wife and I went to the Maryland Renaissance Festival this past Memorial Day Weekend. I have to admit it was pretty cool. Tons of things to learn, music to hear, performances to be seen.
I knew it was going to be a good time when we pulled up, parked and the guy who parked next to us got out of his car and said in a Balmerese (native Baltimore accent)... "Nice car partner." The 911 is great now that I have it back from the shop.
I knew it was going to be a good time when we pulled up, parked and the guy who parked next to us got out of his car and said in a Balmerese (native Baltimore accent)... "Nice car partner." The 911 is great now that I have it back from the shop.
The Shop
I brought my 911 to SSI Performance in Parkville, MD. I had a battery issue. My battery kept dying and no longer held a charge. Also, it had an engine leak.
So after 3 days and $1200, I had a few things fixed.:
-New battery
-Alarm siren dismantled (cause of battery drain). Alarm still works, as a kill switch with out sound.
-New brake pads and fluid
-Replaced a oil hose
-All new belts
I am pleased to have a car that starts when I need it to and no longer leaks. I am hoping that I will not have to spend that kind of money for at least 2 years... but who know what might happen.
So after 3 days and $1200, I had a few things fixed.:
-New battery
-Alarm siren dismantled (cause of battery drain). Alarm still works, as a kill switch with out sound.
-New brake pads and fluid
-Replaced a oil hose
-All new belts
I am pleased to have a car that starts when I need it to and no longer leaks. I am hoping that I will not have to spend that kind of money for at least 2 years... but who know what might happen.
Monday, August 20, 2007
On Saturday, I finally bought my dream car. It is a 1978 911sc.
Back in 1986, I had a paper route delivering The Washington Post. I think the route yielded something like $75, a month. Anyway, I was 11 and I passed this red 911sc everyday, while on my paper route. Obviously I thought is was the coolest car I have ever seen, and still feel that way.
A few months ago, I saw this 911sc at Flemings Ultimate Garage:

It reunited me with my passion with this model 911. I was working this out on how to buy this thing, and I called Flemings to get info on the car. Sure enough the sales man want me to buy on the spot... bring your current car and trade it in... I wanted the car, but not without some research. After a few weeks I figured out how I was going to get it, so I emaled the salesman at Flemings. He told me the car had sold the night before. Damn.
I am a firm believer that a things happen for a reason. The car being sold sent me on a US wide search for the perfect 911sc. I found 911's in Seattle, Texas, Ohio and a couple of other states. Between searching for the perfect car and researching the 911sc models, I finally found the a very vague ad on the Potomac chapter of the PCA:
1978 Porsche 911SC, silver/black, 48,000 miles, excellent condition in and out, a non-smoker, original, garaged, AC, PW, no sunroof, body straight, runs strong as daily driver.
I sent an email to the contact... is this vehicle still for sale... and received an email back that it was. After a look and a drive, I decided that this was it. And here she is:

Back in 1986, I had a paper route delivering The Washington Post. I think the route yielded something like $75, a month. Anyway, I was 11 and I passed this red 911sc everyday, while on my paper route. Obviously I thought is was the coolest car I have ever seen, and still feel that way.
A few months ago, I saw this 911sc at Flemings Ultimate Garage:

It reunited me with my passion with this model 911. I was working this out on how to buy this thing, and I called Flemings to get info on the car. Sure enough the sales man want me to buy on the spot... bring your current car and trade it in... I wanted the car, but not without some research. After a few weeks I figured out how I was going to get it, so I emaled the salesman at Flemings. He told me the car had sold the night before. Damn.
I am a firm believer that a things happen for a reason. The car being sold sent me on a US wide search for the perfect 911sc. I found 911's in Seattle, Texas, Ohio and a couple of other states. Between searching for the perfect car and researching the 911sc models, I finally found the a very vague ad on the Potomac chapter of the PCA:
1978 Porsche 911SC, silver/black, 48,000 miles, excellent condition in and out, a non-smoker, original, garaged, AC, PW, no sunroof, body straight, runs strong as daily driver.
I sent an email to the contact... is this vehicle still for sale... and received an email back that it was. After a look and a drive, I decided that this was it. And here she is:

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